
Please file an issue with a sample document and a description what
you were actually doing. That way we can have a look at it and see
what happens.

And please add me (tl) as CC to the issue.


Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
I think I've not been quite clear enough. The settings work fine when I set them for each equation when using the dialogs. There's no problem there. The problem is when I _generate_ the files. The options I provide in each given math object's settings.xml file do not seem to be adhered to. I was merely pointing out that when I /do/ use the dialogs the changes are saved to that file correctly. What I am not understanding however, is why the settings I'm providing for each equation when I generate the files are not read in as I would expect. Is there some other file where there is a link or association that has to specifically tell the equation to use those settings instead of the default?
I hope that is a little better.
Happy Holidays and peace to you,
Matthew Avizinis
Gleim Publications, Inc.

Thomas Lange wrote:


Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:

Hello all,
I am working on a project in which I generate Writer text files each of which may include one or more formula objects. There are apparently two basic files for each formula, a content and settings file. The formulae are rendered correctly except that custom settings I include in the settings.xml file don't seem to be followed, e.g. font-size, margins.

When I change these values by means of the dialog boxes after opening a file, they are indeed changed for each formula individually and saved in each object's settings.xml file. So what is it that I'm missing? What is the correct method/reference to get a formula to properly use its settings.xml file when it is loaded/rendered? Any pertinent suggestions are very welcome.

You need to press the "Default" button in the dialog otherwise
the settings apply only to the current formula.

Also at some point there was a bug over a short period of times in the
developer builds. But it got fixed already.
Thus if you're using OOo 1.0.x or OOo 2.0 everything should be fine when
you press the "Default" button.


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