
the style:rel-column-width attribute is described in section 15.9.1 of
the OpenDocument specification:

I assume has inserted the attributes because there was no absolute width specified for the table itself. In this case, OOo assumes that the table has a relative width, and the columns therefore as well.


Matthew L. Avizinis wrote On 12/13/05 16:48,:
Seasons Greetings to all,
I am sending this to both lists because I'm not sure which group this issue really belongs to since it has xml Writer format properties but is also a development issue I think. If most of you folks who are regulars here monitor both lists just let me know and I'll send any further messages to one list or the other.
  Another question please
In a table (#1) I've generated, the following is created by Writer when I File | Save: <style:table-column-properties style:column-width="51.01mm" style:rel-column-width="65535*"/>
  and in a table (#2) I get:
<style:table-column-properties style:column-width="50.01mm" style:rel-column-width="32767*"/>
  and in a third (#3) this:
<style:table-column-properties style:column-width="50.01mm" style:rel-column-width="32768*"/> I did not generate the */style/:rel-column-width*,* *only the style:column-width property. * *So how is this number calculated? What is it /rel/ative to? I'm assuming it's called that because it's the column width relative to something. The values are all different even though the style:column-width is the same. I could find no documentation on this element in the odt spec or anywhere else for that matter. Can anyone provide some knowledge transfer please? It would be much appreciated.

If anyone is interested, what I'm doing is, from xml data via several xslt stylesheets generating all the individual files needed by an OpenOffice Writer document dependent on what objects are in it, e.g. formulae, images, tables, etc. Then using the java zip class in a rhino javascript extension function (I'm using the Xalan xslt processor), I zip the files together to produce a Writer document. It works quite well, except that a few areas seem murky such as with equation settings (which I mentioned in another e-mail) and the issue I describe here.
Peace to you,
Matthew L. Avizinis
Gleim Publications, Inc.

Michael Brauer                                Phone:  +49 40 23646 500
Technical Architect Software Engineering      Fax:    +49 40 23646 550
StarOffice Development
Sun Microsystems GmbH
Sachsenfeld 4
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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