Tobias Krais wrote:
Hi together,

since some weeks I'm developing a little OpenOffice connector for a
program we develeped (called JUDAS: At the moment I try
to add a menu called JUDAS to the menu bar at runtime. I found how to
disable menus at runtime, but not how to add them.

You may ask why is it necessary that the menus should be added at
runtime. The menus should appear only if OpenOffice was started by
JUDAS. If the user starts OpenOffice by itself, the menu should not appear.

My question is: is it possible to generate menus at runtime? We are
using OOo2.

If yes, do you have examples or know where I should start studying?

Hi Tobias,

I think I answered this question on the mailing list several times. I attached two small examples which modifies the menu bar of an application module. If you only want to do temporary changes, please use the transient example.

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
  REM *** Adds a item to the File Menu only transient. Means
  REM *** that this menu item only exists for and during the 
  REM *** lifetime of the current frame.
  REM *** Initialize strings
  sMenuBar = "private:resource/menubar/menubar"
  sMyPopupMenuCmdId = ".uno:PickList"
  sMyCommand = "macro:///Standard.Module1.Test()"
  REM *** Retrieve the current frame of my model
  oModel = ThisComponent
  if not isNull( oModel ) then
    REM *** Retrieve frame from current controller
    oFrame = oModel.getCurrentController().getFrame()
    REM *** Retrieve the layout manager of my current frame
    oLayoutManager = oFrame.LayoutManager()
    REM *** Retrieve the menu bar from the layout manager
    oMenuBar = oLayoutManager.getElement( sMenuBar )
    REM *** Retrieve writable configuration settings from menu bar
    oMenuBarSettings = oMenuBar.getSettings( true )

    REM *** Make our changes only transient. An Add-on should
    REM *** never change configuration persistently as it can
    REM *** be deinstalled by a user without any chance to 
    REM *** undo its configuration changes!
    REM *** Please look for bug #i46194 which prevents using
    REM *** oMenuBar.Persistent = false!!
    oMenuBar.Persistent = false
    REM *** Look for the "File" popup menu and add our command
    REM *** We must look if we haven't added our command already!
    fileMenuIndex = FindPopupMenu( sMyPopupMenuCmdId, oMenuBarSettings )
    if fileMenuIndex >= 0 then
      oPopupMenuItem() = oMenuBarSettings.getByIndex(fileMenuIndex)
      oPopupMenu = GetProperty( "ItemDescriptorContainer", oPopupMenuItem() )
      if not isNull( oPopupMenu ) then
        if FindCommand( sMyCommand, oPopupMenu ) = -1 then
          oMenuItem = CreateMenuItem( sMyCommand, "Standard.Module1.Test" )
          nCount = oPopupMenu.getCount()
          oPopupMenu.insertByIndex( nCount, oMenuItem )
      msgbox "No file menu found!"
    oMenuBar.setSettings( oMenuBarSettings )
End Sub
Function FindCommand( Command as String, oPopupMenu as Object ) as Integer
  nCount = oPopupMenu.getCount()-1
  for i = 0 to nCount
    oMenuItem() = oPopupMenu.getByIndex(i)
        nPropertyCount = ubound(oMenuItem())
        for j = 0 to nPropertyCount
          if oMenuItem(j).Name = "CommandURL" then
        if oMenuItem(j).Value = Command then
           FindCommand = j
          exit function
        next j
  next i
  FindCommand = -1
End Function

Function FindPopupMenu( Command as String, oMenuBarSettings as Object ) as 
  for i = 0 to oMenuBarSettings.getCount()-1
    oPopupMenu() = oMenuBarSettings.getByIndex(i)
        nPopupMenuCount = ubound(oPopupMenu())
        for j = 0 to nPopupMenuCount
          if oPopupMenu(j).Name = "CommandURL" then
        if oPopupMenu(j).Value = Command then
           FindPopupMenu = j
           exit function
        next j
  next i
  FindPopupMenu = -1
End Function

Function GetProperty( PropertyName as String, properties() as Variant ) as 
  for j = lbound( properties() ) to ubound( properties() )
    oPropertyValue = properties(j)
    if oPropertyValue.Name = PropertyName then
          GetProperty = oPropertyValue.Value
      exit function
  next j
  GetProperty = null
end function
Function CreateMenuItem( Command as String, Label as String ) as Variant
  Dim aMenuItem(2) as new
  aMenuItem(0).Name = "CommandURL"
  aMenuItem(0).Value = Command
  aMenuItem(1).Name = "Label"
  aMenuItem(1).Value = Label
  aMenuItem(2).Name = "Type"
  aMenuItem(2).Value = 0
  CreateMenuItem = aMenuItem()
End Function

Sub Test
 MsgBox "Test"
End Sub
REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
        REM *** Creates a top-level popup menu on the Writer menu bar 
        REM *** It checks if its popup menu has already been added to the menu 
        REM *** and does nothing.
        REM *** The popup menu contains one menu item with a

        REM *** Initialize strings
        sMenuBar = "private:resource/menubar/menubar"
        sMyPopupMenuCmdId = ""
        REM *** Retrieve the module configuration manager from central module 
configuration manager supplier
        oModuleCfgMgrSupplier = 

        REM *** Retrieve the module configuration manager with module identifier
        REM *** See for more information
        oModuleCfgMgr = oModuleCfgMgrSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager( 
"" )
        oMenuBarSettings = oModuleCfgMgr.getSettings( sMenuBar, true )
        REM *** Look for our top-level popup menu. Can be identified by the 
CommandURL property.
        bHasAlreadyPopupMenu = false
        nCount = oMenuBarSettings.getCount()
        for i = 0 to nCount-1
                oPopupMenu() = oMenuBarSettings.getByIndex( i )
                nPopupMenuCount = ubound(oPopupMenu())
                for j = 0 to nPopupMenuCount
                        if oPopupMenu(j).Name = "CommandURL" then
                                if oPopupMenu(j).Value = sMyPopupMenuCmdId then
                                        bHasAlreadyPopupMenu = true
                                end if
                next j
        next i
        MsgBox bHasAlreadyPopupMenu

        if not bHasAlreadyPopupMenu then
                sString = "My Macro's"
                oPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu( sMyPopupMenuCmdId, sString, 
oMenuBarSettings )
                oPopupMenuContainer = oPopupMenu(3).Value
                oMenuItem = CreateMenuItem( "macro:///Standard.Module1.Test()", 
"Standard.Module1.Test" )
                oPopupMenuContainer.insertByIndex( 0, oMenuItem )
                oMenuBarSettings.insertByIndex( nCount, oPopupMenu )
                oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( sMenuBar, oMenuBarSettings )
        end if
End Sub

Function CreatePopupMenu( CommandId, Label, Factory ) as Variant
        Dim aPopupMenu(3) as new
        aPopupMenu(0).Name = "CommandURL"
        aPopupMenu(0).Value = CommandId
        aPopupMenu(1).Name = "Label"
        aPopupMenu(1).Value = Label
        aPopupMenu(2).Name = "Type"
        aPopupMenu(2).Value = 0
        aPopupMenu(3).Name = "ItemDescriptorContainer"
        aPopupMenu(3).Value = Factory.createInstanceWithContext( 
GetDefaultContext() )

        CreatePopupMenu = aPopupMenu()
End Function

Sub ResetMenuBar
        sMenuBar = "private:resource/menubar/menubar"

        REM *** Retrieve the module configuration manager from central module 
configuration manager supplier
        oModuleCfgMgrSupplier = 

        REM *** Retrieve the module configuration manager with module identifier
        REM *** See for more information
        oModuleCfgMgr = oModuleCfgMgrSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager( 
"" )
        REM *** Reset default settings
        oMenuBarSettings = oModuleCfgMgr.getDefaultSettings( sMenuBar )
        oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( oMenuBarSettings )
End Sub

Function CreateMenuItem( Command as String, Label as String ) as Variant
        Dim aMenuItem(2) as new
        aMenuItem(0).Name = "CommandURL"
        aMenuItem(0).Value = Command
        aMenuItem(1).Name = "Label"
        aMenuItem(1).Value = Label
        aMenuItem(2).Name = "Type"
        aMenuItem(2).Value = 0

        CreateMenuItem = aMenuItem()
End Function

Sub Test
        MsgBox "Test"
End Sub

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