i noticed that we have made good progress with our Code Snippets in the past two weeks, thanks to all contributors.

At this point i'd like to say thank you again to Tom and Paolo who are responsible for the infrastructure and tooling. Tom provides and has implemented the infrastructure and Paolo has implemented the Code Snippet Wizard which makes it really easy to contribute well formatted snippets. Thank you!

Hear, hear!
I haven't reached my personal goal to contribute one snippet per week :-( shame on me - i won't promising anything but i will try to increase my contributions.

But one further thing i would like to see (and where i think it would be easy for newbies to contribute to OpenOffice) is that existing snippets get translated to the other languages. And if people find bugs or know a better solution don't hesitate to improve existing snippets.
Well, if there was a way/category to contribute snippets in ooRexx (http://www.ooRexx.org), then I would try to get people to do exactly that; additionally there are already a few snippets written in ooRexx which might be helpful for others (using other languages) as well. The present state is beta (project name "BSF4Rexx") and will go GA mostlikely at this year's International Rexx symposium in Austin, Texas (cf. http://www.rexx.org), which takes place in a few weeks.

Once the support is officially released the Rexx (exists more than 25 yrs) and ooRexx (originally developed by IBM per request of its largest customers, now in opensource) community will be curious to see how one would drive/remote-control OpenOffice, I am sure. Having ooRexx nutshell examples available right in the Code Snippets area would doubtlessly help them get more interested and productive with OpenOffice.

So again, I would like to request a means to add snippets in the ooRexx language as well.



P.S.: Due to the fact that the scripting framework in OOo 2.0 is written in Java, additional languages could become available for OOo if using BSF (cf. <http://jakarta.apache.org/bsf>), for which a need for a place in the snippets repository may come up.

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