On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 00:35 +0200, Seeker wrote:
> >From a quick search i didn't find the issue. I refer to the problem with
> greek fonts. When the user types something in Greek OO.o frequently takes
> the characters from a font which doesn't have the suitable characters with
> very very very ugly results.
> You can see the problem here:
> http://static.flickr.com/25/62583834_0436c1bfff_o.png
> Note how different 1 and 2 are. The first misses characters and even the
> ones which appear are very ugly.
> The ugly fonts appear even in OO.o's GUI.

Does installing DejaVu fonts make any difference for you ?

There aren't a lot of good greek-coverage (as opposed to fonts which
include some greek characters for math-coverage purposes) But DejaVu
apparently has some good coverage there.


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