Hello Tore!

If my norwegian language skills are not too rusty, you would like to know if
it's possible to install and run Works and OOo on the same machine, and open
Works files with OOo, am I right?
Both answers are yes I would say, even though I never tried specifically
with Works.

Anyway, remember this is an international mailing list, and it's common to
write here in english, even though it's not our native language (as for me,
i'm french). And I'm sure the norwegian / scandinavian OOo community will
welcome your questions if you feel better writing in your language.

Hope this helps,
Med venlig hilsen ;)

On 20/03/06, Tore A Malones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hei jeg har hatt WORKS som tekstbehandling, hvordan eller er det muligå
> åpne disse filene i open office. Kan jeg eventuellt installere Works i
> tillegg til openoffice på min maskin?
> mvh Tore Andre Malones

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