
My name is Ross and I am a college student currently studying for a MEng
in Electronic Systems. In partial fulfilment of this qualification I
must complete an extensive project.

The goal of the project is to make OpenOffice usable by non-technical
authors so that they can easily produce web content in accessible form.

The project aims to improve and streamline information access for users
with disabilities. If the information is authored in accordance with the
"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" then it will inter-operate easily
and effectively with a wide variety of assistive technologies used by
people with various disabilities.  

I am required to: 
•       Review/critique the existing capabilities or limitations of
OpenOffice for authoring of accessible content. 

•       Propose specific extensions or revisions to improve the use of
OpenOffice in developing accessible content.  

•       Develop and implement these extensions or revisions.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me to get started.

Kind regards,

http://www.fastmail.fm - Accessible with your email software
                          or over the web

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