Thanks Volker.
  Just to sum up some findings:
  1) I rebuild an old source.  As some of the path variable have  changed 
(compared to the last time I build), I think running  
$SRC/config_office/configure would help to making the winenv.set work  
  After configure, I think bootstrap would be the next command I  type.  
Actually the dmake *is* already in  $SRC/solenv/wntmsci10.  I don't have to 
type ./bootstrap.  I  think that is why it is causing the error message:
  cp: cannot stat '/cygdrive/d/OOA680_m1/dmake/dmake.exe': No such file or 
  My mistake!  :p
  2) The difference between the computer setting as of now and that as of  the 
last build (at about Mid-March) is... the upgrade of my computer  BIOS.  I now 
downgrade my BIOS back to before.
  I then start the build.  I just run $SRC/config_office/configure,  tcsh, 
source winenv.set and rehash.  Then dmake.  The build  goes on.  At several 
points of time, I think the build may hang  and so I do the ls /proc/*/fd 
thing.  I am not too sure whether  just the build need a second or two to do 
  I will get a clean source and build again to see if the build hang.
  3) I will also try to see if disable hyper threading would help to get rid of 
the 'hang' problem.

Volker Quetschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi!

comments below.

Work Klo wrote:
> Dear all,
>  I really need help. I need to build OpenOffice. For the last 10 days, I  am 
> struggling with setting up a good building enviornment.
>  I have started building OpenOffice successfully since about 1.5 years  ago. 
> I have set up the build environment many times before. I should  have no 
> problem but I get stuck now!
> Platform:
> =========

> Location
> ========
> C drive: All required software (those described in Software section) 
> installed to C drive.
> D drive: The OpenOffice source directory.
> Problem
> =======
> 1) bootstrap and dmake
> - Source: OOA680_m1.  I use CVS to get it.
> - I built this source at end of March/beginning of April.
> - Yes I rebuild an old source without 'dmake clean' (cleaning the source) 
> first.
> - I run configure like this, in a cygwin window:
> $ cd config_office
>  $ ./configure --with-mspdb-path="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft  Visual 
> Studio .NET 2003/Common7/ide"  --with-cl-home="/cygdrive/c/Program 
> Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET  2003/vc7" 
> --with-midl-path="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual  Studio .NET 
> 2003/Common7" --with-asm-home="/cygdrive/c/Program  Files/Microsoft Visual 
> Studio .NET 2003/vc7/bin"  
> --with-csc-path="/cygdrive/c/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322"  
> --with-jdk-home=/cygdrive/c/j2sdk1.4.2_11  
> --with-ant-home=/cygdrive/c/apache-ant-1.6.5 --with-lang="en-US zh-CN  zh-TW 
> ko jp" --with-use-shell=tcsh 
> $ cd ..
> - Output:

> Configure completed
> ***** WARNINGS ISSUED *****
You might want to install NSIS to silence this, but it's unrelated
to your problem.

> - I then run ./bootstrap only to find out this error:
> cp: cannot stat '/cygdrive/d/OOA680_m1/dmake/dmake.exe': No such file or 
> directory
I remember a problem with bootstrap back in the old OOo 2.0.1 days, you
would have to search issuetracker for this, or have a look at the bootstrap
file and check why it didn't build dmake (or post it here). Actually 2.0.1
is old, so we need details if you want help.

> - I check the dmake directory.  There is no dmake.exe.
There would be output from bootstrap if it would have been build.

> - If I cd to dmake directory and do a 'make all', I get dmake.exe.
> - Output:

> - I then 'cp dmake.exe ..' (Copy dmake.exe from OOA680_m1/dmake/dmake.exe to 
> OOA680_m1).
Well, dmake goes into ..../solenv/wntmsci10/bin/ but if it works for you. ...

> - I then do a dmake (of course, run tcsh, source winenv.set and rehash before 
> running dmake).
> - Now the build goes on.
> - Somehow the build hangs on the extra module.
for more info about the problem.

> 2) dmake
> - I use a new source OOB680_m5.
> - This set of source allows me to configure and bootstrap without any problem.
> - Yet hang during build.
Same as above, until someone provides a recipe to reproduce this problem
with a small testcase we have to hope that the cygwin developers
accidentally find and fix this problem. (Un-)fortunately I could never
reproduce this problem.

> Question
> ========
>  1) I hope somebody will be able to examine the output from configure  and 
> probably that from bootstrap. Is there something wrong?
> 2)  According to,  
> hyperthreading may be a problem for the build to hang. I prefer to  disable 
> hyperthreading last. If there is anything I can do in software,  I would do 
> it.
> 3) I really don't want to downgrade the BIOS.  So unsure...
Read that FAQ entry again, try the "ls /proc/*/fd" part.


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