Hi Gurus!

Charles-H. Schulz írta:
Hello all,

(cutting the previous thread for the sake of clarity).
I wish to appease this debate but weigh in it as well.
:o) It is not a cruel debate :o)
While it's true that OpenOffice.org "Premium" is a rather unfortunate name in a marketing sense (it really sounds like something you actually pay),
The "Premium" word is something better in my world ... But I am open for any cool name suggestion...
and while I certainly see the advantages of bundling OOo with extra fonts and templates
me too and other users too
, I wonder what you do concerning the promotion of the actual OpenOffice.org software in Hungary.
The promotion is coordinated by FSF.hu Foundation. They for to spread free softwares in Hungary including OpenOffice.org. I try to do my best and I communicate with the Hungarian media about OpenOffice.org. There is not to much progression here. We haven't got money to advertise our free world in wide, but lots of media get informed about OpenOffice.org related news. All of IT related mags release our news, the suite is in the printed medias' DVD/CD set. Over the IT mags we haven't too big name. They are not interested in... With the Get legal campaign I would like to create some posters to make Openoffice.org more known. Of course I will discuss it with András Tímár (our lead)... That's all...

Please take no offense in this.
Oh, I am not :o) We just talking about - in my opinion - something cool :o)
But it's really a question I would like to ask. By stressing on the "Premium" rather than on OpenOffice.org itself,
I don't want to hurt the image of OpenOffice.org via OpenOffice.org Premium. Instead of this we prefer OpenOffice.org and we provide additional link to download OpenOffice.org Premium... The all hu.openoffice.org is about Openoffice.org not from Premium... Evry communication tals about OpenOffice.org not from Premium... So we (or I) do not harm OOo downloads moreover we can collect more user for OpenOffice.org with Premium...
you may end up harming the actual software's image more than anything else. It's of course a discussion you should have inside the Hungarian-speaking OOo community. And by the way, how does all this fit in the overall community works of the HU community?
Contributors have created Slackware, UHU (Hungarian Linux variant), Gentoo packages for Premium, the users like the idea of bundled extras... The our community members were sceptic about success but the voice of people was quite demonstarative. It is high time to did same with you :o) What more can we do? Yes, we can create more language versions (en-US and de for 2.0.3) with the help of OOo community and try to push it into the main branch (with the help of OOo community)
How do you sort out the licensing issues?
I try to take over the licence issues. I am not sure it is a real problem concernind OpenOffice.org. I have agreement from aouthors to use it Openoffice.org freely...

I certainly appreciate your dissemination work, but maybe a better mutual understanding should be necessary here.
Right :o)

Best Regards,
Charles-H. Schulz,
Lead of the Native-Language Confederation,
OpenOffice.org .

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