The easiest way I have found to do this is edit

\ 2.0\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\setup.xcu


<prop oor:name="ooSetupInstCompleted">


<prop oor:name="ooSetupInstCompleted">

Then add this right below it:

<prop oor:name="LicenseAcceptDate" oor:type="xs:string">
<prop oor:name="FirstStartWizardCompleted" oor:type="xs:boolean">


Hal Vaughan wrote:

I have a situation where I have to install OOo on a series of systems.  Some
will be used regularly, but in other cases, OOo will always be used in a
headless mode.  Under 1.x, this was workable and it wasn't a nightmare
working out two ways to do it for Linux and Windows.  I've got it working
now, but I have one problem: The first time a user uses OOo, they have to
register.  This does not work on systems where it will always be run as
headless.  That means the installer had to start it an extra time and has
created problems where someone forgot to do this and then a system was not
working for days in the headless mode.

I've only had this problem on Linux.  I can set the value for running the
initial wizard to false and it's on problem in Windows.  I can't get it to
work with Linux, though.  I've seen many comments on this, but nothing that
works.  I saw several comments that said to edit Common.xcu and add this to
the Registration node:

  <prop oor:name="ReminderDate" oor:type="xs:string">
     <value xsi:nil="true"/>
  <prop oor:name="RequestDialog" oor:type="xs:int">

I've done that and it makes no difference.

This is enough of a critical problem that we may have to discontinue use of
OOo if it can't be solved.

It wouldn't be so bad if OOo could be run in headless mode without the
registration being done, but if it hasn't been registered, OOo won't start
in headless mode.

Any suggestions?  Google has not been of much help on this.



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