Hi Mathias,

> is there a way to suppress the popup of InputFields when I open a
>> template
>> > that contains InputFields?

No. If a document or a template is opened via UI all dialogs are allowed
by default. Suppressing them needs dispatch interception but I don't see
the point in doing it. Can you explain?

As a migration-strategy we would like to do a soft-migration from MS-Office
to OOo. This means we have users working parallel either with MSO or OOo and
with document-templates in .dot AND .ott-Format. There are about (estimated)
3000 dot-templates which should be accessed from OOo and don't contain
complex content, but Word's "Text-FormFields". As you surely know, Word's
simple "Text-FormFields" which are very common in all of our .dot-Templates
are mapped to "InputFields" in OOo which behave different. The two main
advantages of Word's TextFields are:

1) Direct editing is possible (without popup) which provides a much better
overview of the document and the editing-result.
2) you can navigate through the Fields using the "TAB"-Key.
3) the user can decide by himself when it's time to fillout the Fields.

OOo's popping-up InputFields are much more annoying in this point:
1) the automatic popup overlays the interesting field which harms the
overview of the document.
2) navigation with TAB is not possible and pressing Enter in the dialog
causes the cursor to jump to the next line, not to the next InputField.
There is no easy way to navigate to the next InputField leafing the finges
on the keyboard (you have to use the mouse to press "OK" - YES, 5 times
pressing SHIFT+TAB works also, but this is not a real alternative)
3) You can not decide when you want to fill the fields as the popup comes
automatically on load-time.

Of course, InputFields work, but our users would not accept them in the
direct competition between MSO and OOo!

Since we don't expect OOo to provide the missing feature in the near future,
we decided to provide a workaround for the unwanted behaviour of
We would like to collect all inputFields and join all the single
dialog-windows into one large (selmade AWT) dialog-window that is diplayed
beside(!) the office-document. Users can fill in the values und use the
tab-key as used. There will be no window overlaying the document.

The corresponding program listens on the ON_NEW-Event of the
GlobalEventDispatcher, but this Event is only called AFTER the automatic
popup of inputFields. I am asking the above question, because I want my code
to run without the automatic popup.

Hope this helped to understand my point

best regards,
Christoph Lutz

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