Hi Jürgen,

My problem: I want to register a little UNO package at OOo, using
unopkg. It does not matter which Java compiler I use for compiling my
package. If I want to register my ready built package I can't use the
Free Software Foundation 1.4.2 Java (all others I tested will work). If
I use the FSF 1.4.2 Java and try to enable my UNO Package using the
command "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/unopkg gui" I get following error:


can you be more concrete ...
- which Java version was used to compile your package
> - which other Java versions did have tested

I used Sun Java 1.5.0_06 from Debian Sid non-free for compiling. It doesn't matter which -source and -target flags I used (tried it with 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4). I also used the Blackdown Java and the FSF GCJ 1.4.2.

I tested _every_ combination of these JDKs that means I e.g. compiled it with Sun Java while OOo used Sun Java -> it works; I tried compiling with each of these Javas, but only the FSF GCJ Java did not succeed with adding the UNO package.

Greetings, Tobias

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