Hi there, I have some questions regarding the configuration system
within openoffice. (as you will se from below I'm not that good with how
OOo works internally, nor c++)

I think I partly understand that basics about what it does (reading
configuration files from different places, etc) and what can be done
using this, but I have come to a situation where I need to read the
configuration from a server using http/soap/etc instead of local files.

today I have it working so that it can read these files using
com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LocalStratum  but that can only
read from file:// and not from http://

from what I understand this stuff can only be done in c++ right now, not

so my questions will be..

how can I create my own "version"
com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LocalStratum that instead of
reading from the harddrive it reads over http..

If I manage to write my own configurationreader can this then be
installed using unopkg? or do I have to compile it within my own version
of OpenOffice.org?

I have read the Developers manual, but I still have a hard time figuring
out how to do this, is there any other documentation for this then the

/Christian Andersson

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