Allen Pulsifer schrieb:
A node in the OOo registry can be marked "finalized", in order to prevent
its value from being changed by users.  See

Question: is finalized intended to imply a security assurance that a user
cannot actually override the value?

No. See below for more detail.

It occurs to me that a user would likely be able to override a finalized
value by editing the binary .dat files in $(user)\registry\cache\

Yes, that would in fact be possible, if tedious: you need to parse the binary format, find the place(s) to change, patch those values and whenever the cache is regenerated you have to redo this and then restart the office. There are simpler ways to circumvent lockdown (see below).

To prevent the user from manipulating the cache, you can switch off use of that binary cache - of course at the cost of slower application startup.

To switch off the binary cache, you can edit $officeinstall/program/configmgrrc (configmgr.ini on Windows) and change the CFG_CacheURL entry to be empty ['CFG_CacheURL='].

Alas, that still doesn't give you a security assurance :-o


The primary means to circumvent this kind of lockdown, is this:

The file configmgrrc/configmgr.ini (see above) contains the 'bootstrap' configuration for the configuration service. It describes which things to merge, etc. This is bootstrap configuration as described in [1],[2]. That means the value from the rc/ini-file can be overridden on the command line.

Thus a user can create a private copy of the shared configuration, edit it freely and then use 'soffice -env:CFG_Strata=...' to start the office on his private copy. Instead of maintaining a full private copy, the user could also add a layer of his own that forces only selected entries. By using 'soffice -env:BaseInstallation=...' this mechanism can even be exploited to replace things beyond the configuration database.


General comment:

IMHO you generally can't do desktop application lockdown with strong security. A purposeful, skilled and malicious user can get around those things. Lockdown can only prevent users from doing disallowed things without skill and criminal energy. In most contexts it should be sufficient accompany lockdown with policy that threatens suitable consequences for circumventing the restrictions. But a security strategy should assume that users can do anything their system privileges allow within their own environment.

- Jörg


[1] UNO Micro Deployment

[2] Uno Bootstrap Specification

Joerg Barfurth              Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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