Mathias Bauer wrote:
Xu, Shenshen wrote:

Hello Everybody,

Could anybody tell me what is the meaning of the return value of
IMPL_LINK, I found some of the codes return 0L and few of the codes
return 1L, I wonder what the difference is ?

The meaning is that returning "0" means that the link wasn't executed
successfully while returning any other value means "success".

Actually the return value is a matter of negotiation between caller and callee - an implementation detail so to speak. In some case you might find more values than 0 or 1. Think of a Link as an early version of boost::bind, a safe function pointer.

As in most cases nobody cared for the return value on the calling side
it's possible that also meanwhile nobody cares for it anymore on the
called side. :-)

Yes, that too :-)

Kind regards, pl

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