
> Right, let´s create such a sub-project.
> Mac OS and Solaris support will be added then.
Ahem. An add-on can be developed separately from the OOo project.
> We just need a fist start and version 2.0.2. can be with linux and windows 
> support already for the OOcomponent CSpace.
> It is a good forward for OO to have a communication tool added.
> How should developers join, if there is not a subproject page made?
> Let´s start somewhere, witht hat, what we have.
> # for the language translation see here:
> http://cspace.in/trac/wiki/Translations
> and these people need to be asked:
> http://projects.openoffice.org/native-lang.html
> It is really a 10 minutes job to translate for all 60 people..
Well, let's develop the add-on first and then I'll make sure to spread
the word about it myself.
> # Support for Mac and Solaris will come then.
> # Maintanance will be up to date, but with the now released (and the next 
> release) we have a very good basis to work on that, cause it is perfect 
> working.
> # Quality aided is done within the project.
> # for help and documentation i said already i will do it in english and 
> german an other languages jsut need to actualize as with every other change 
> as well.
> So the main thing is only, if someone can create such a project for that 
> component and do the first initial things in adding, Other components set a 
> link to lauch this component, I do the documentation and then we get a 
> release and user find it is wonderful and developers come and make a MAC and 
> Solaris porting.
Please forgive me to ask this question, Thomas: are you ready (provided
that somebody here tells us if this is technically feasible) to develop
such an addon? Do you understand the implication of an add-on? An add-on
is like a plugin. It is not included by default inside the software, you
have to grab it somewhere (on your site or on OOo's )
> All I want is, not saying "no" absolutely, just helping to create a 
> development fro this little child and i you say we need a subproject, then 
> let´s create one and developers will come and I will do the update for help 
> and online and documentation.
Thanks you for your offer. But there needs to be a head start on this,
and I think you should lead it, not ask others to do it first. I'm sure
others will join you in the course of events, though.
> I asked Steve from oo marketing, who create the icons, to make an icon with a 
> text bubble for this component.
Steve who? Develop the software first, create the icons afterwards.
> And: Bernhard: Have you tested this Messenger? Tell me the RSA-Key of yours 
> and we can test it, maybe you can join to help as well?
> Open means as well to organize such a process to make a good thing join, and 
> i am willing to contribute to this, will all efford to do the project 
> management, but I cannot code, so create the project and I will help a lot 
> and maybe other see the good functionality of the messenger component and 
> join "Cspace Oh Oh Seven", the new Open office Component.
> [[BTW: As OO is a formerly star office Product of Sun, whichhas launched java 
> as well, i think SUN doe snot have an messenger, so this is a good way to 
> conquer MSN MEssenger with a support of an open decentral Messenger.
> Outlook has skype and MSN and Live Chat and all in the next Vista Release.
> So it is time for java and Office maintained by SUN to answer as well with a 
> Messenger.. so even strategically not wrong.. to strenghten Open Office with 
> that new component]]
> So how can we go on ? who is able to create such a subproject for the working 
> structure ? Who is able to make a first logo release and code release for a 
> 2.0.4. Open Office with the decentral p2p Messenger?
> To whom do I need to send the documentation, website and if you have coded 
> the existing code into the installer, i will mail to all translaters to help 
> to translate the few words..  of Cspace component
Thomas, you know what we say about Strudel cakes: eat it piece by piece
not at once. :-)  You can start the project tonight if you want. And I'm
sure we'll be pleased to have it if it's possible to use it. But please
don't bring the documentation and icon packs first for something that
doesn't even exist yet (and I'm sorry to sound to reluctant to help you,
but really it's not my intention).

> Thanks
> ------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 18:45:13 +0200 (MEST)
> Von: "Bernhard Dippold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: dev@openoffice.org
> Betreff: Re: [dev] Adding a buddylist / Instant Mesenger to openoffice
>> the work to do is much more, if you want to include CSpace 
>> into the OpenOffice.org suite:
>> - OpenOffice.org profits of the possibility to reach every module directly
>> from all the other ones. This kind of integration would be necessary
>> for all the existing components. Bundling another program with OOo
>> doesn't make it a part of the suite.
>> - Every new component of OpenOffice.org needs to be maintained. 
>> Therefore a new project (or subproject) will have to be established
>> inside the OpenOffice.org community.
>> - The new component will have to be ported to MacOSX, Solaris and 
>> other platforms. 
>> - As OpenOffice.org is translated in more than 60 languages all these 
>> translations would be necessary to the new component as well.
>> - Any new or modified code will have to be QA'd thoroughly, because we
>> want to keep the quality of every part of the suite as high as possible.
>> And please think of updating online help and documentation.
>> In my eyes there are just options left:
>> - find developers (perhaps the ones from CSpace) and other people willing to 
>> work on the new component.

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