
Interesting talk....
Éric Bischoff írta:
Le Vendredi 28 Juillet 2006 19:43, Thomas Müller a écrit :
But we have all to agree on that, that we want to have this component.

Personally I _do not_ agree to have an instant messenger integrated with OOo's core. And especially a perfect unknown software. And even more if written in Python.
I think - the original idea - integrating IM like facility into OOo is good. Why? Because the created documents have to send to others. That is why documents created. There are several way to send it. You can put on fileservers. I thing this is the hard side from view of file managament (locking, management, etc.). Also you can send it via e-mail. Email is a important communication form. OOo supports this via file-send menu. This is good. It uses external program to do it. Using IM can substitue emailing and I think it is faster. We can provide send action for it (via add-on). Another level is adding it to the suite. I might enable higher level of interaction between OOo and IM application. Send or receive from ooo - on taskpad/bar like panel. And chat in ooo. Send the current modification instantly to other side. Diff files at two (or more?) IM users... We might have many idea to how and how much integrate im to ooo. I am stand for the integration (from just an external linkage to integral part of ooo)... We have to dicuss it well... But not sure if the cspace is the best... If you see one of the Another Office Company you might hear about Groove... So integration istant messanging (and more) functions is might not a close. Another theme is integrated e-mailing (i saw it time by time on maillists). I know we haven't enough resource but an integrated mail client with planning, resource, contact, time management is might make ooo more popular. I see the advantages of it. Of course it might need lot of resource to create something useful. Outlook is the fourth most requested app from OOo (after W, C, I)... So it might be in our long term todo list. Integrating or creating IM client may be nearly same useful - but it requires lot less resources...
As a UNIX guy, I like applications to concentrate on what they do best. Then you assemble applications, like a building game. Otherwise you bloat applications. OOo is a desktop suite, it should not do email, IM, or video editing.
I agree in video editing. But a well designed program not bloated (in term of speed and usability) integrating more functionality. Of course we have to ask our users what they are really need. And because of our limited resources we need to order well our tasks.
There's a video game in Excel. Does that make sense ? Obviously not.

There are however a few acceptable solutions :

1) If the IM guys want to write it as an add-on to OOo, why not. Their problem ;-).
Yes :o)
2) Also, distributions are free to bundle OOo with whatever software they like, provided they think about license issues
Yes :o)
3) If someone can prove there are some parts in writer, calc or impress that can benefit of the _integration_ of an IM, then we should be able to call any external IM program (the choice of which can be done by the user, with a default to the system one). But I would like to see a use case _before_.
Paritally yes. We may need at least IM where the communication and coworking is stronger. An office application might need special services (see above)... Of course the spec must be open so no one retained to implement it in another im to maintain the higher level cooperation with ooo suite.

Also, I have to say that writing answers and not getting reactions to them is particularly unpleasant and gives the impression to speak to deaf people. Hence the harsh tone.
Integrating something to OOo is never start to change end user pages on OOo site. You might create project you have to make you Im comaptible with OOo, integrate it, integrate into build system, localization then we need builds and careful testing. It takes time. It is not one hour work... So we need more work than you expected... I am sure... OOo is move slover than you think. There are several patch that makes smaller modifications than you want, but they ares still on hold...

Have a nice day,

Best regards,

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