On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 12:56 +0200, Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> We still have some stoppers open (68776, animated gifs, 68046, API 
> problem) and cws warningfixes03 (build breakage), cws hro08,  so that we 
> target OOD680m3 for release candidate by the end of this week.
> Initial inactivity time (IIT) for patches is increased, the owner of the 
> high scores will get a ping.
> http://eis.services.openoffice.org/patchreport/iit_index.html

FWIW I'd like to mention two potential showstopping regressions (with
patches to workaround attached)

#i68822# crash on Input Mechanism commit in writer and
#i68369# crash on shutdown under X


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