> But you've hit the nail on the top. We have prepared for two 
> ways of working with pathes: "UserPaths" can be overwritten 
> like described here, "InternalPaths" are mergeable. So an 
> admin that wants to write his own path as described by Allen 
> and doesn't want to allow for changes made by users just can 
> set the value into the "UserPaths" and empty the 
> "InternalPaths" (or keeps the "share/template" stuff). Then 
> he can finalize both settings and he will be done.

Hello Mathias.

Thank you for your reply.

The part that I think is more difficult than it should be is changing the
value of an InternalPath.

I would like to follow up with a specific proposal that will not reduce the
functionality and will not make it any more difficult for package
distributors, but will make it easier for system administrators.  I hope to
be able to post it later this week.

Thank you,


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