On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 17:58 +0200, Juergen Schmidt wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me if the following setup is acheivable.  I would like to 
> > embed OOoBean in a Swing application running on my client's desktop 
> > WITHOUT having OpenOffice installed on that computer.  I want to set up a 
> > single OpenOffice installation on a server and have all interested clients 
> > 
> > will connect to that OO instance without having to install it on 
> > everyone's PC.  I have tried and I can connect to the remote server but 
> > then when I try to load a document the whole application crashes (not to 
> > mention crashing the server as well?!?).
> sorry, but that won't work, for using the OOoBean you need a locally 
> installed office.
> We have experimented with remote displays|visualization in the past 
> (remote vcl implementation -> thin clients, ...) but that is not longer 
> supported and not available.

Juergen is probably right but yur question raised some questions in my
mind that you might care to answer:

     1. Is this a fileserver environment?
     2. Does each user have what I call a home directory either locally
        or on the fileserver?

If either of these or both can be answered yes then you could perhaps
invoke both from the fileserver. 
G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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