Hi Doug,

Doug Descombaz wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in contributing my programming skills to open office.
> I've been using it off and on for a few years and am a big fan.
> I've implemented Apache's POI on a few occassions.

thanks for your offer.

Perhaps you already have some ideas what you would like to see
implemented in OOo? That could be a good start for a contribution. I'm
sure you will find one to discuss your ideas.

If you want to get some inspiration from what we are currently doing you
can see our projects at


Get an overview and perhaps browse through some of the home pages of the

General information about OOo development can be found at


If you have any particular question you can use this list here. In case
you already found a project that attracts your interest you can also
contact the team on  the dev list of that project.

You can also meet us on IRC as described at


Best regards,
Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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