Hi dev,

Hu, Jonathon, strange sender's address..

On Saturday, 2006-10-28 01:36:01 +0000, dev@openoffice.org wrote:

> >If I understand correctly, technically spoken these are script types of
> >existing languages.
> Technically, ASL is a language of its own, not a variant of English 
> (US). BlissSymbolics --- which I didn't ask about, because the Unicode 
> sequence is still being determined is in the same situation.

The "language of its own" pointed me into the right direction. The
solution for ASL will simply be its ISO/FDIS 639-3 code 'ase'.

The language tag for BlissSymbolics would be undetermined, it seems.

> [... Braille ...]
> > nor does the ODF file format provide mechanisms for storing them.
> > This will hopefully be solved in the next version of the standard.
> Is there a time frame for that?

The next OASIS standard for ODF 1.2 is scheduled for September 2007. We
definitely need a solution for at least script language subtags and
variants, so IMHO that version MUST address these somehow. I'll pursue

> >>* Submit a request for Braille as an language of its own, with one
> >>request for each grade.  [Or more likely, two requests for each grade
> >>--- that allows for multi-lingual content in Braille.]
> >This could be a possibility, using RFC 3066 x-... private tags. However,
> >there would be no connection to the underlying "real" language then,
> >which I consider a major drawback.
> The connection to the Locale data of the underlying "real" language 
> might be an issue. OTOH, if a "reasonable" default locale can be set, 
> then it is "solvable".

Not sure what you're referring with a reasonable default locale there,
but from what I guess, in context of the x-something tags this is not
possible. The script subtag would solve these problems in a technically
clean manner, and the language and region parts of the locale would be

> Would it be possible for the default Braille locale to be changed 
> according to the language/locale of the User Interface?
> EG:
> An Afrikaans default Braille Locale, for an Afrikaans User Interface;
> An English (UK) default Braille Locale, for an English *UK) User Interface;
> An Arabic default Braille Locale, for an Arabic User Interface;

Yes, with a script subtag that would be af-ZA => af-Brai-ZA, en-GB =>
en-Brai-GB, ...

I do not mention the implementation side here, there may be at least
a dozens issues to be solved before anything would start working..

> >Also Moon and ASL look like script types to me, if I'm not mislead.
> ASL is a language in its own right.  The association with English is 
> simply because it was developed in the US.

Quite some reading at Wikipedia:

> Moon is a writing system, that has been transcribed for roughly 400 or 
> so languages.


Definitely looks like a script type.

> The only language for which it currently has extensive 
> use is English (UK). As with Braille, a private tag could be used.
> I doubt anybody would have objections to Moon (at least initially) 
> having a default locale of English (UK).

The Wikipedia article also sounds like there won't be any use other than
in UK ...

> >Yes, locale data would be a problem then. Note that in case OOo
> >supported scripts, each locale, at least for the language dependent
> >parts, would also need Braille locale data then. Quite an amount of new
> >locales.
> The "easy" but probably impractical solution would be to setup a default 
> Locale for each country, that is then modified by the language, and then 
> by the writing system.

Which actually is not that far away from how OOo currently handles it,
if you take a look at the locale data of en_* and es_* and *_ZA locales,
for example. There is room for improvement, however. A yet more flexible
approach would be to have language/script and country definitions and
merge them into locales during runtime.

> Something that might be pertinent, is that adding these to the 
> Locale/language options is only half the job. The next step would be to 
> write a driver to transform the text into something that the respective 
> printers can accept.

But that wouldn't be OOo's job, would it? IMHO that's a system's and
printer driver's duty.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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