Hello folks, I don't know if we can do something about it but in this article: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2063958,00.asp
this paragraph: " Vista's indexing service depends on the same IFilters for parsing different file types as do Microsoft's other indexing engines, such as the engines for Office SharePoint Server and for the Windows Desktop Search add-on for XP. We found and installed an IFilter for adding indexing support for OpenOffice.org documents (from here <http://www.ifiltershop.com/staroffice-openoffice-ifilter.html>), but our Vista test machine still would not recognize these files, even after we rebuilt our index. We hope to see this wrinkle ironed out soon, as extensibility is key to the usefulness of Vista's new search capabilities" I know that there is an ongoing work for the integration of OOo in Vista but just wanted to let people know about this in case of problem. Best, Charles. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]