Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Andrzej,

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Andrzej Zawadzki wrote:
is there any kind of work going on with Ruby binding to UNO?
None that I am aware of, at least.  Go ahead. :)
If jruby is an option for the interpreter you could make your life
rather easy by taking advantage of Apache BSF (cf.
<>), which allows deploying scripting
languages via Java easily. As the OOo scripting framework is written in
Java you could use that and make jruby available for it. As I have been
successfully employing ooRexx via that infrastructure (and the gamma
version is humming along very nicely) I could point you to the
respective Java programs which you would have to adapt for it. Not a
terrible big job, as you could take over 98% 1:1.

i would also go forward with JRuby first, based on top of the scripting framework and the Java UNO binding. One thing you have to do is to provide an appropriate script provider.

I have such an evaluation on my todo/wish list and have already talked about it with the JRuby developers. Especially the integration of JRuby in Java and the support of JRuby in Netbeans make it really interesting for me.

Your help would be highly appreciated.


If not, were
there any attempts on completing such a task? I'm a Ruby/C++
programmer and I'd surely like such a binding done in OO. Since I'll
have some free time in the next few months I'm wondering whether I
could help in such a project.
Again, if JRuby is an option and you are interested in making it
available rather quickly, then drop me a note.



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