Sorry! My mail editor works bad.It's difficult to make the mail easy to read. I send the mail again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! I'm chensuchun.I need some help and advices. When a table is formated with thick lines around the table and thin lines insidethe table, if you ask OO.o to add a row at the end of the table it's createdwith a thick line between it and the rest of the table instead of respecting the"thick lines around the table, thin lines inside" rule. I want to fix it as "thick lines around the table ,thin lines inside"after insert rows at the end of the table,but I find it is difficult to get SvxBoxInfoItem of the table in function BOOL lcl_CopyCol( const _FndBox*& rpFndBox, void* pPara ). so I modify the insert-operation source code (in file sw/source/ui/shells/tabsh.cxx) as following: case FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL: case FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW: { ///-->get the SvxBoxInfoItem of the table before insert SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), aUITableAttrRange); ::lcl_TableParamToItemSet( aCoreSet, rSh ); SvxBoxInfoItem aBoxInfo((const SvxBoxInfoItem&) aCoreSet.Get(SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER)); ///<--End ///do the insert operation BOOL bColumn = rReq.GetSlot() == FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL; USHORT nCount = 0; BOOL bAfter = TRUE; if (pItem) { nCount = ((const SfxInt16Item* )pItem)->GetValue(); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState(FN_PARAM_INSERT_AFTER, TRUE, &pItem)) bAfter = ((const SfxBoolItem* )pItem)->GetValue(); } else if( !rReq.IsAPI() ) ++nCount; if( nCount ) { if( bColumn ) rSh.InsertCol( nCount, bAfter ); else if ( !rSh.IsInRepeatedHeadline() ) rSh.InsertRow( nCount, bAfter ); bCallDone = TRUE; ///-->after inserting,reset the table border according to the SvxBoxInfoItem /// get before SfxItemSet aSet( GetPool(), RES_BOX, RES_BOX, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, 0); aSet.Put( aBoxInfo ); ItemSetToTableParam( aSet, rSh ); ///<-- break; } nSlot = bColumn ? FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL_DLG : FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW_DLG; } Is this modification right,or it would cause other problem or affect other operation?How to solve this problem if the modification is wrong ? Thanks for help or advices! Kind regards! chensuchun
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