Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Stephan,

after further experimentations a synopsis:

    * In order to install a scripting package under OOo one needs to
      supply a jar-file according to the scripting framework specs
          o if all parts are Java then adding all needed classes to that
            jar-file should be sufficient
    * Fo a scripting language that is not implemented in Java in
      addition to the Java plug-in code one needs (example is ooRexx) to
          o native (non-UNO) libraries (on [D]PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH),
          o a JRE to bridge Java and the non-Java scripting language (on
          o native (non-UNO) binaries resp. text-files that are script
            modules which need to be accessible as if they were placed
            along the PATH.

As I already wrote on the other thread, I would need to know how those files are accessed to tell whether there might be a way to instead access them from the location of the deployed extension. (A JRE is globally available in OOo, via a UNO service. Or did I misunderstand you?)

At the moment this is not possible. Also the OOo scripting framework
needs a MANIFEST.MF in a predefined form.

Finally, being able to package and deploy scripts in any scripting
language that can be used for OOo would be important as well.

I do not know much about the scripting framework. Maybe somebody else can help us here.




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