Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Stephan,
The Ubuntu layout you described in a previous mail (libs in
/usr/lib/openoffice/program, jars in /usr/share/java/openoffice)
cannot work (at least not without some modifications to the OOo code
base). Not sure why Ubuntu decided to ship a broken OOo (maybe they
are not even aware of it, maybe you can file them an issue).
Well, "ashok" seems to be able to deploy the Java program, if it is
embedded in a jar-file, it seems. So not sure yet, why it works there
and not here. Will have to look further into this.

[However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
"unopkg" works there.]
What is broken with the extension manager?
It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make sure
that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.

You mean you select "Tools - Extension Manager" but no dialog appears? That's strange. It should not have anything to do with Java. Probably Joachim Lingner (jl at ooo) is interested in that, as he maintains the extension manager.

The Extension Manager Dialog is contained in a service. This service is used when starting the Etension Manager from the Tools menu or when runngin unopkg gui. You mentioned that unopkg works, does that mean unopkg add / remove works and unopkg gui as well ?





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