
please find the latest minutes of the release status meeting here: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ReleaseStatus_Minutes#2007-03-05

In short: the new estimated release date for 2.2 will be March 14th,


John McCreesh wrote:
On Fri, March 2, 2007 07:24, Martin Hollmichel wrote:
We will talk about the new release date in the next Release status
meeting next monday,

Can we have a quick posting to this list please with the result for those
of us who can't attend the meeting.

Thanks - John


Rail Aliev wrote:

AFAIK we are waiting 2.2rc3 to be released these days. I don't think
that 1-2 days are enough for release preparations. Shouldn't we need to
change the release date on wiki?


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