Hi Branko,

On Tuesday, 2007-03-06 14:00:38 +0100, Branko Tanovic wrote:

> Hello when building Localized SR-YU OOo 2.1 build breaks. I could not 
> find anything similar in mailing lists
> here is the output of break in shell module
> any ideas tnx :)
> -fo../../../../wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.res 
> ../../../../
> wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.rc
> ..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(265) : error RC2151 : cannot 
> reuse str
> ing constants, 1014(0x3F6) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 
> 1014(0x3F6) -
> "??????".

>From bad memory dating back to Windows experience days I remember that
such things may happen if IDs get duplicated inside one language block.
In shlxthdl.rc check the lines the resource compiler complains about
whether that is the case. Note that duplicated IDs in different language
blocks are ok, and there are many of them. Another reason may be that an
entire language block with identical LangID appears twice. In that case
maybe somehow merging the language resources was duplicated, see


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