Hi Mellannie!

Hard to provide feedback for something when you do not include a link to where to look at for the thing to give feedback for into your mail, isnĀ“t it ;-)

mellannie rachelle reyes wrote:
*Good day SIr/Ma'am*
*I am Mellannie Reyes a Graduating BS Computer Science student of University
of Santo Tomas (UST), Philippines.*
*In behalf our group, I would like to thank you all for your help in our
study entitled, "Design and Development of a Grammar Checker of the Filipino
Language". Thank you for all the information that you've shared to us
especially in adding a plug-in or Add-On in the OpenOffice.org.*
*For now (March 2007) we were able to accomplish a study for developing
a Grammar Checker for Filipino Language as an Add-on in the OpenOffice.org.
Although this study needs some improvements, still it was able to check the
grammar of simple sentences in FIlipino as well as suggest an alternative
sentence for tense error sentences together with an explanation. *
*If possible, sir/ma'am we would be very glad for any feedback (as soon as
possible as a requirement for us) regarding our study.*
*Again thank you very much.*
*NOTE: Pls. send your feedbacks at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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