ianmcr wrote:

I am working on an export filter for producing accessible HTML. I first
iterate through the document and insert bookmarks at the start of each page
to indicate an automatic page break. I then iterate through the document
creating a new HTML page at each page break.

I need to compare the names of the names of the bookmarks as a iterate
trhough the text.
In the following example, I need to differentiate between "PageBreakMarker"
and "_1118825921".

- <text:p text:style-name="P4">
<text:bookmark text:name="PageBreakMarker" /> <text:bookmark-start text:name="_1118825921" /> <text:bookmark-end text:name="_1118825921" /> - <draw:frame ... /> </draw:frame>

I can detect a bookmark by the following:

Reference<XPropertySet> xPropertySet(currentXTextRange, UNO_QUERY);
Any aPortionType =
rtl::OUString oPortionType;
if (aPortionType >>= oPortionType)
return (portionType == "Bookmark");

How do I find the name of the programatic name of the bookmark (ie. the
strings "PageBreakMarker" or "_1118825921" )?
Note that I do not bother iterating over text in tables and such, but if you had one, it would find the name...

Sub IteratePortions()
 Dim oText
 Dim oEnum
 Dim oPara
 Dim oParaEnum
 Dim oPortion
 Dim oPortionCursor
 Dim sPortionString$

 oText = ThisComponent.getText()
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration ()

 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
   oPara = oEnum.nextElement
   If oPara.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then
oParaEnum = oPara.createEnumeration ()
     Do While oParaEnum.hasMoreElements ()
       oPortion = oParaEnum.nextElement

       Select Case oPortion.TextPortionType
         Case "Text"
           'oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion, 0)
           oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion)
           sPortionString = oPortionCursor.getString ()
         Case "Bookmark"
           Print FindBookmarkName(oPortion)
         Case Else
         'Print oPortion.TextPortionType()
       End Select
   End If
End Sub

Function FindBookmarkName(oPortion) As String
 Dim oText
 Dim oMarks
 Dim oMark
 Dim oCurs
 Dim i As Integer

 oText = oPortion.getText()
 oMarks = ThisComponent.getBookmarks()

 For i = 0 To oMarks.getCount() - 1
   oMark = oMarks.getByIndex(i)
   If EqualUNOObjects(oMark.getAnchor().getText(), oText) Then
     If (oText.compareRegionEnds (oPortion, oMark.getAnchor()) = 0 AND _
         oText.compareRegionStarts (oPortion, oMark.getAnchor()) = 0) Then
       FindBookmarkName = oMark.getName()
     End If
   End If
End Function

Andrew Pitonyak
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