Jim Watson wrote:

On 24/03/2007, at 8:33 AM, Jim Watson wrote:

On 24/03/2007, at 4:50 AM, Mathias Bauer wrote:

nandan k wrote:

Hi All,

Where can I find the corresponding .idl for the header
file XTextAppendAndConvert.hpp? 16:33
it's not under com/sun/star/text directory in solver
solver 680

while trying to build writer filter in windows am
com/sun/star/textfile/XTextAppendAndConvert.hpp not
found error

Such header or idl file does not exist. Why do you think there should be
one? Where did you find a reference to it?

a reference to it ;)

initial check in

#include <com/sun/star/text/XTextAppendAndConvert.hpp>

namespace dmapper {

and the idl file is here


How did you check out your sources? Module 'writerfilter' is not yet on any master workspace. And the idl file you mentioned only seems to exist on CWS writerfilter2.


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