Hi Gregoire,

Actually all the optimizations for the OLE object loading are commited to the OOo cvs tree. So the behavior should be just the same, although I do not know the details about how the other binaries are built. By the way, had all the office builds the same version OOo2.1? Can it be that a different version was built to be compared with OOo2.1?

How many time does it take to load the document without conversions? I am asking, because the mentioned difference looks pretty like as if the conversion was not used in the fast case. If it was activated, could you please check whether all of the imported embedded objects are correctly converted ( to do this, please activate the objects, the normal internal OOo embedded objecs should be activated inplace in this case usually ).


Gregoire Gentil wrote:

We are are integrating OpenOffice 2.1 in our own Linux distribution. We
have a problem with the OLE-load/save conversion of the importer.

We have found a huge performance gap between the Sun binaries and any
other compiled binaries (Gentoo, Novell, Ubuntu...) when importing a
complex word document with some OLE objects. When the OLE-LOAD
CONVERSION is checked, 2.1 Sun binaries takes 10 seconds to open the doc
while any other compiled binaries (Gentoo, Novell, Ubuntu...) takes two
to three minutes to open the same document. If the OLE-load conversion
is unchecked, performance is identical. Obviously, if there is no
embeded OLE object, situation is identical for all binaries.

Does anybody have an idea what could explain this huge performance gap?
Is there any patch for the OLE-load/save conversion that is in the Sun
build and not available in any other distribution?

Many thanks by advance. Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jens-Heiner Rechtien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:13 AM
To: dev@openoffice.org
Subject: Re: [dev] .Doc importer performance

Gregoire Gentil wrote:

When I big import a Microsoft Word .doc document with the
Sun binaries
ooo 2.1, the document opens in 20s.

When I import it with my own compilation of ooo (Gentoo, gcc 4.1, a set of coherent/optimized flags), it takes more then two minutes.

Can anyone tell me if there is any specific optimization of the importer in the Sun binaries and how to reproduce them?
The optimization flags for our (Sun) build can be found in solenv/inc/unxlngi6.mk. The flags for the doc importer are the same as for the rest of the build (sometimes someone uses local flags via "ENVCFLAGS", please check the makefile.mk's of of the import code)

Maybe gcc-4.1 mis-optimizes something?


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