Bill Gradwohl wrote:
I've seen several subroutine examples that all contain the same sequence
of opening executable statements when working with a spreadsheet, as
does the following example:

sub dumpSheets

Dim doc as object
Dim Sheets As Object
Dim SheetNames
Dim I As Integer

' Executable statements follow:

IIRC this return a currently active document. So, it is supposed Calc to be open.

Sheets = doc.Sheets

and then it get access to Calc sheets

SheetNames = Sheets.getElementNames
For I=LBound(SheetNames) To UBound(SheetNames)
       MsgBox SheetNames(I)
Next I
end sub

When doc is initialized, what object exactly is it associated with? Is it a (document or container or sheet or ...) what?


For the life of me, I can't find the thing called "Sheets" as in
doc.Sheets, anywhere in the API, so I can't understand how the
initialization of Sheets = doc.Sheets works.

This is case of OOo Basic, but not API itself. That's might be reason you cannot find it there.

How am I supposed to know that something called "Sheets" exists? Where is this documented in the API?

I've spent hours trying to go thru the API at
and can't seem to get my brain around how to find something as
rudimentary as the doc.Sheets item.

Any help would be appreciated.

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