Hi Stephan,

moving out URE stuff of OOo windows installations indeed seems to be more difficult than Unix (IMHO, as always :-). This seems to be more or less rooted in the fact, that windows does not support (symbolic) links on the on hand, while there is a mismatch between the binary world of libraries, executables etc. and the registry. This simply is not thought through well ... ;-)

Anyway, even using the mentioned registry entry does not seem to achieve what you want to achieve, as this registry entry is globally unique and does not belong to the office installation. So, what you actually want, is an OOo installation specific entry, which points to the to be used URE.

AFAIK, the right place for a URE_BOOTSTRAP deployment variable is an OOo installation specific registry entry, and, as you already suggested, to introduce .ini files for all executables, so the latter may be avoided by seamless integration/support of windows registry entries into the deployment parameter approach.

Hope that helps


Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Hi all,

I am currently fiddling around with an OOo installation set from which the URE has been extracted, see <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ODF_Toolkit/Efforts/OOo_without_URE> for details.

On Unix/ELF, this already works reasonably well. I need a single symbolic link from the base directory of the OOo-wo-URE installation to the base directory of the URE installation. All the places where things in OOo-wo-URE need to access things in URE are routed over this link:

- Executables and shared libraries in OOo-wo-URE find shared libraries in URE they depend on via an RPATH (recorded in those executables and shared libraries) that includes the link to the URE.

- The deployment variables URE_BIN_DIR (used in all other places in the code where things in URE need to be accessed) and URE_BOOTSTRAP (pointing at a fundamentalrc in OOo-wo-URE that contains essential deployment variables to adapt the URE to the needs of OOo) are set in the shell scripts soffice and unopkg (which should cover, via indirections, most if not all of the executables that constitute the "interface of OOo," see <http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=19840>).

However, I have problems imagining how I can do something similar on Windows:

- An installed URE already announces its location in the Windows registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\OpenOffice.org\URE. But, even if all the code that needs to know this value can read it (e.g., we introduce additional syntax so that the URE_BIN_DIR deployment variable can be set to something like "${registry:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Software/OpenOffice.org/URE:Path}"), one ugly problem would remain: It would not be easy at all to install two different pairs of URE and OOo-wo-URE on the same machine (which is of utmost importance at least for developers, and somewhat easily solved in the Unix scenario above---all you have to do is adjust the one symbolic link per installed URE/OOo-wo-URE pair).

- Assuming that OOo-wo-URE does know where the URE is located, how can executables and DLLs in OOo-wo-URE access the DLLs in URE they depend on? Extend the PATH? DLL hooks Hennes is currently working on (would that scale)?

- Are there any clever places to set the URE_BOOTSTRAP deployment variable so that all executables in the "interface of OOo" are guaranteed to have it set (for themselves and any other processes they spawn, i.e., ideally as an environment variable)? The last resort would be to make sure that next to each such executable named foo there is a foo.ini that contains a definition for URE_BOOTSTRAP.

Input more than welcome,

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