On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 13:45 -0400, Joe Smith wrote:
> In poking around a bit this week, I found that the standard C++
> library 
> (currently a draft standard called "TR1") now includes regexp
> classes. 
> There are already two open-source implementations of this standard 
> library, including regexp support: GNU libstdc++[1] and Boost, so the 
> main effort would be adapting the standard classes for OOo's API.

Given that Boost is already used in OOo, I would think that this should
be the route. I don't know how good is the regexp.boost version (1.30.2)
that is in OOo anyhow (beside the fact that it breaks on x86_64/Linux,
but in that case we just use the system provided)

TR1 is provided by gcc 4.1, but remember that there are still platform
that do not use gcc. That makes it a no. Actually Boost 1.34.0 also
supports it directly (by providing wrappers).

Just my $.02


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