Good-day, Inc presented the following and IPA accepted it:

Did you, the development teams in Hamburg, get it?
There you are.

On 11/25/06, tora - Takamichi Akiyama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I visited Hamburg last week and had several meetings with development
teams. Thanks to many people in Hamburg, especially Joost Andrea who
had organized a series of the meetings; the trip was very successful.
Here is a short report on it.

This visit aimed at sharing information on requests for enhancement
(RFE) from Japanese users. With five teams - Writer, Calc, Imress &
Draw, VCL, and User Experience - we cooperatively discussed the RFEs.
A list of the requests and outcome of the meetings [1] is available
at a web site of a project Seagull Research Team 2006 (srt2006) [2].

In short, there were almost 80 requests on the list at this time.
Some of them were for Asian languages, especially Japanese; the rest
were language independent. Every team gave me good comments and
practical suggestions that were noted in the column Outcome of the list.

In this visit we did not discuss development resource or cost, but to
realize the requests in the near future, we would need to come up with
a solution. For instance, publicly asking the community to create a
small project or team for incorporation of the request.

The project srt2006 is funded by the Information-technology Promotion
Agency, Japan (IPA) [3], an affiliate of the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry (METI). The IPA sought a vendor or organization
conducting a study of RFEs on through public bidding,
and Good-day, Inc. [4] won the bid and started the project srt2006.


Kind regards,

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