
I have never done this in either windows or Linux.

I know one person who has done this in a VMWare environment with Linux.

I copied the dev mailing list in case someone there knows of someone who might have the required abilities and/or knowledge.

I can make some more queries when I return, which will hopefully be by Sunday.

ian mcritchie wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your previous help.

Given your extensive experience with OOo, I was hoping you might be able to point us in the direction of an individual or company who may be willing to act as a paid OOo developer/consultant.

We have a emerging requirement to build OOo from src on the Windows platform for the next generation of our product. However, as I'm sure you are aware, the build process (particularly for Windows) is not straightforward.

The main task for an external consultant is to provide a Windows build environment for OOo. We would also need support in integrating OOo components into our product. We would then be able to contribute to the OOo overall open source project by bug fixing OOo core components etc. (The alternative is that we spend time in house attempting to build OOo from the source - which is our second option.)

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Best regards,


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Andrew Pitonyak
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