On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 16:45 +0200, A. Klitzing wrote:
> Hi again,
> What does I need to do to fix that problem?
> Regards,
> André

>  -ltl680li -li18nisolang1gcc3 -lcomphelp4gcc3 -lucbhelper4gcc3
> -luno_cppuhelpergcc3 -luno_cppu -lvos3gcc3 -luno_sal
> -luno_salhelpergcc3 -licuuc -li18nutilgcc3 -lavmedia680li -lxml2 -ldl
> -lpthread -lm -Wl,-Bdynamic -lstlport_gcc_stldebug
> ../unxlngi6/slo/formatclipboard.o: In function
> `boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count<SfxPoolItem>(SfxPoolItem*)':
> formatclipboard.cxx:(.text._ZN5boost6detail12shared_countC1I11SfxPoolItemEEPT_[boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count<SfxPoolItem>(SfxPoolItem*)]+0x66):
>  undefined reference to `boost::throw_exception(std::exception const&)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../unxlngi6/lib/libsw680li.so'
> ---* tg_merge.mk *---

This likely means that OOo has been configured to use the external boost
headers. The copy that OOo has internally has hacked some of the headers
to disable exceptions IIRC, and so it is likely that the file
formatclipboard.cxx is in a "no exceptions" makefile.mk in sw.

So, quick workaround is to add formatclipboard.obj to the
EXCEPTIONSFILES section of the makefile.mk in sw/source/ui/uiview like
one of the other examples there.


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