Hi Malte,

Malte Timmermann wrote:

Andreas Martens wrote:
Hi Malte,

Malte Timmermann wrote:
IMHO there should be some notification, so the Layouts are simply listeners and we don't need the parameter.
That's what I meant. My question was: why do we need this parameter in SwDoc::DeleteSection(..)?

But I am not sure - you are the expert ;)

So if a broadcast is used, no Layout access is needed.
But if the layouts have to be notified directly, you are right and we might need a list of layouts.
I do not understand this. Broadcasting will work with lists (of layouts), too. So there where is the difference?
It was meant: "If there is no broadcasting, then we might need the list"...
So seams we don't need that.
It depends.
We have already some broadcasting for parts of the layout, e.g. a SwTxtFrm is a listener of a SwTxtNode. When a SwTxtNode is changed, it notifies its listeners in the layout. But the layout itself is not a listener, until now it was sufficient that the SwDoc knows the one and only layout. With your move of the layout from SwDoc to ViewShell I could imagine that we need more broadcasting.
Right now we don't have that, and normally we didn't want that, because we are just moving away the layout from the SwDoc to the ViewShell...
Yes, so again, why do we need this layout parameter for DeleteSection(..)?
Right now, the SwDoc has the Layout, but this will move to the ViewShell. Seems the Layout is used in DeleteSection for some reason, or in an other methods called from there. By quickly looking in the code, I can't see why it's needed - LiuTao, can you clarify?
Same with me, I had looking into DeleteSection(..) and could not identify ATM which functions needs the layout.


Any comments/ideas?
No, only questions ;-)

Andreas Martens wrote:
Hi LiuTao,

liutao wrote:
Hello all,

I am absorbed in modularization of ODFToolkit project about 2 months.
But now I face a question as follows:

if( !GetDoc()->IsInDtor() )
   GetDoc()->DeleteSection( &pCntntSect->GetNode(),rLayout );

The parameter "rLayout" in function DeleteSection is added by me and this parameter is passed from a view class(ViewShell).
Why does DeleteSection(..) needs a dedicated layout? This function removes some nodes from the Writer model. If these functions needs access to a layout, I assume this is e.g. for notification. But then I think _all_ layouts need to be notified. So you don't need a parameter, you need the access to all layouts?!
What do you think?

That means the destructor don't know this patameter.but the modularization work require I to add this parameter.how to deal with it and make the destructor can disposal this function.
Best Regards,
Kindly regards

Andreas Martens (ama) - OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS

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