On 10/01/2007 01:02 AM, Kirill S. Palagin wrote:
> You are not alone - some members of Russian community are affected and
> many can repro this problem. See 
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=76623.
> I suggest voting for the issue.
> (I am also forwarding this message to developers of Spreadsheet, hoping
> for their attention).
> Regards,
> K. Palagin.

Kirill, I think that this must be a locales type of problem. If you look
for these recent posts:

"Date Display Problem + Sudheer Satyanarayana"
"Date format + Clive Bowley"

You'll find the same problem.

Last month Clive Bowley experienced the exact same problem using a
windows version (search the archives for "Date format + Clive Bowley".
He sent me his spreadsheet of list and I was not able to reproduce in:

OOo 2.3 (linux): cannot reproduce
OOo 2.1 (linux): cannot reproduce
StarOffice 8 (linux): cannot reproduce
OOo 2.1 (Windows): cannot reproduce
StarOffice 8 (Windows): cannot reproduce
MS Excel 2002 SP3 (windows): cannot reproduce

I also was not able to reproduce Sudheer Satyanarayana's problem. As
mentioned in my post to Sudheer: "Perhaps it's a locale problem? I am in
the US and use US locale's in OOo etc. Clive is in the UK so perhaps
this is a related regional bug."

I also just tried the spreadsheet in the bug report:
as was not able to reproduce in 2.3 (linux). So again, I think that it
must be a locale and/or possibly a language setting problem?

Can anyone else on the list from Europe test
and see if the dates change according to the bug? Jean & Sudheer can you

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