I found what seems to be an easily replicable bug in the TextSection
implementation :

I tried posting this earlier on API-DEV but didnt get a response, so i
decided to post it here:

I have a simple use case to duplicate the bug:

a) Create an empty writer document. (OOo 2.3 )
b) Insert a section, call it "Section1".
c) After this section, add a few paragraph breaks by hitting enter.
d) Insert a section, call it "Section2".
e) Now go to the space with line breaks between "Section1" and
"Section2", and insert another section called "Section3" there.
f) Finally click Format->Sections. and it displays the order of the
sections as :


When it should be:


The API also displays the order incorrectly:

Dim sections
sections = thisComponent.getTextSections().ElementNames
Dim i
Dim outStr
outStr = ""
For i=LBound(sections) to UBound(sections)
        outStr = sections(i) + Chr(13)+Chr(10) + outStr
Next i
Msgbox outStr

if I save the document, and reopen it, the order is displayed correctly.

Is there any way to force the document to refresh itself to display
the correct order without saving it ? (refresh() and reformat() doesnt
work in this case)

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