>if you want to programmatically determine all types, you could use the
>com.sun.star.comp.stoc.RegistryTypeDescriptionProvider service.

>For example the climaker uses it to create all cli types from UNO types. Have a look at >cli_ure/source/climaker/climaker_app.cxx.

>Eventually com.sun.star.reflection.XTypeDescriptionEnumeration.nextTypeDescription()
>is used to iterate over all available types.

Yes, I tried that - but all I get are empty enumerations ... as an example an OOBASIC code trying to get
all services from the reflection module ...

REM     Smalltalk Source code example ....
REM     typeCollection := OrderedCollection new.
REM        typeCollection add: OOCSSUnoTypeClass::SERVICE.
REM        enumeration := anInstance
REM createTypeDescriptionEnumeration: 'com.sun.star.reflection' REM types: (OSVariantarg fromIntegerCollection: typeCollection) REM depth: OOCSSReflectionTypeDescriptionSearchDepth::INFINITE .
REM        aCollection := OrderedCollection new.
REM        [ enumeration hasMoreElements ] whileTrue:[
REM aCollection add: enumeration nextTypeDescription REM ].
REM        aCollection

Sub MyReflectionTest
 Dim oTypeDescriptionProvider as Object
 Dim enumeration as Object
 Dim typeDescription as object
dim valueArray(0)
 valueArray(0) = com.sun.star.uno.TypeClass.SERVICE

oTypeDescriptionProvider = CreateUnoService( "com.sun.star.reflection.XTypeDescriptionEnumeration" )
 if not IsNull(oTypeDescriptionProvider) then
enumeration = oTypeDescriptionProvider.createTypeDescriptionEnumeration("com.sun.star.reflection", valueArray, -1)
   if not isNull(enumeration) then
     do while (enumeration.hasMoreElements)
       typeDescription = enumeration.nextTypeDescription
MsgBox typeDescription.dbg_methods loop


End Sub


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