Hans-Joachim Lankenau wrote:
> hi!
> Volker Quetschke wrote:
>> CC'ing ESC and [EMAIL PROTECTED], please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only.
>> Hi,
>> while working on some build feature/improvement for OOo W32 builds
>> I realized that we have quite a lot of special casing of tcsh vs. bash.
> really? beside setting up the environment, i'm can't think of any atm.
>> Is that still needed? I would like to remove the support for tcsh
>> builds if possible. Opinions?
> tcsh is still the default shell here for all builds not done on windows.
> removing tcsh support would mean quite some impact here and doing so
> without need doesn't sound reasonable to me.

Ah! That is why I asked, I didn't now that. Unfortunately there is no
way of knowing how the "official" OOo builds are made (part of a problem
currently discussed somewhere else ;) ) than asking.

Anyway, no it is easy enough *not* to change anything in this respect :)
I just thought I asked because nowrapcmd1 touches tome of this bash/tcsh

Anyway, it would be interesting to know who outside of Hamburg uses

I don't especially like the current situation. I see it like this:

Hamburg uses tcsh for non-Windows and 4nt for Windows builds of OOo.

The "community" uses bash[*] for all OOo builds and discourages the use
of 4nt. This frequently leads to broken milestones for the community
that seem to build fine and are OKed by RE and QA.


[*] I am not sure if this is true, that is why I am asking.

= http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Debug_Build_Problems  =
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