Hi Robert,

Robert Vojta wrote (14-10-2007 23:28)
On 10/12/07, ashok _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

to set a custom property :
ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.SetPropertyValue("aCustomProperty", "a Custom Value")

This doesn't work in 2.2.1 version (I forgot to mention OpenOffice.org
version in my previous email). I tried this in StarBasic and in Java
before I sent my mail, but no success. Interesting thing is that no
exception is raised in Java.

The latter is indeed nasty.
SetPropertyValue only works if a property already exsists.
If not, you must use addProperty:

 If Not oDocSetInfo.hasPropertyByName(sName) Then
    oDocInfo.addProperty (sName, 0, sValue)
    ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.setPropertyValue( sName, sValue) 
 End If



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