gaopeng wrote:

> hi , all
>    I want to know how to implement myself clipboard  on linux platform , I 
> have read clipboard source code of the ,  but I still have 
> some doubts for some code . I searched these , but there is not in the url 
> . 
> my question is following :
> 1: what are we must keep to when we add clipboard functional into ourself 
> apllication on the linux ? 

I'm not sure if I understood that question correctly. We already have a
complete implementation for clipboard on all supported platforms and it
gives a UNO abstraction of the clipboard content. So whatever you want
to keep in application code it would be based on that abstraction.

> 2: can anybody tell me where I can get more informaton about the class  
> SelectionAdaptor/SelectionManager  
I think you are referring to the internal implementation of the X11
clipboard. I think that is best answered on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailing list.


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