Hi Andreas,

On Tuesday, 2007-11-27 00:20:05 +0100, Andreas wrote:

> > Ah, yes, the dark chapter of day count algorithms.. in the OASIS
> > OpenDocument Format Formula specification subcommittee we struggle with
> > that as well, namely for the YEARFRAC() function and all related
> > financial functions that are based on it.
> >
> Google produces some links, the most recent of which seems to be
> http://jackwaugh.com/it/openformula-20070125.html#6.9.23.YEARFRAC|outline
> which is not even on oasis-open.org. Since I didn't find anything more 
> recent, 
> I am referring to this source.

Actually that's a copy of an old and way outdated revision of the ODFF
draft, for recent revisions please see

However, the YEARFRAC algorithm uncertainty isn't fully clarified yet.

> Some day count conventions differ only slightly -- and only in some 
> particular 
> cases. So I think it will not be enough to literally describe the 
> conventions. It will not be enough to use identifiers such as act/act, 30/360 
> etc., either. At least some of them do not seem to be defined by a normative 
> source and different sources associate different conventions with these 
> identifiers -- or vice versa.

As soon as we clearly identified the algorithms in question we'll of
course add details and references.

> But even if there are normative sources -- not everybody will always have 
> easy 
> access to them.

We'd been delighted if there was any normative reference on YEARFRAC.

> I guess OO, in particular calc will implement the OpenFormula specification. 

Sure. I'll work on that the next months.

> Do you have any noncommittal indication about when the specification might be 
> finalized -- and be implemented by OO?

Roughly estimated spec finalization is scheduled for Q1 next year,
followed by public review phases and so on. Implementation is ongoing
for OOo3.0 and 3.1

> The source given above indicates, that OO 2.0.3 already has a yearfrac 
> function.  I have OO 2.0.4 but it doesn't know yearfrac...? Well, I have a 
> german version, maybe the function has a different name which I cannot find 
> out.

It's named BRTEILJAHRE in German.

> (It might be a good idea to >not< translate function names...

Usually users want function names to be translated, especially if
they're used to localized function names in another spreadsheet

> at least to 
> always support the English names in any language whatsoever.)

That won't work as you can never be sure how localization projects would
translate a function's name and that might clash with an English name of
a different function. Future versions might have a mechanism to switch
to English names though, but not mixed localized and English names.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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