On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 20:03 +0100, Oliver Specht wrote:

> I wouldn't do this before all uses of IS_TYPE, TYPEID, PTR_CAST etc. are 
> removed. If you just remove the TYPEINFO and TYPEINITn macros a lot of 
> code will break.

I'm not sure if I agree.  Since they are macros & get expanded before
the code gets compiled, the compiler should give us an error and the
build should fail if there is any breakage (such as PTR_CAST being used
when no TYPEINFO is given etc).

So, as long as the code is contained in one module & gets compiled
without any warnings, I would think it should be okay.

Besides, I don't think it's feasible to remove them all at once.  We
should do it gradually in steps.


Kohei Yoshida - OpenOffice.org Engineer - Novell, Inc.

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