> You'll get a full Office installation directly located at 
> instsetoo_native/wnt????/OpenOffice/installed/install/<your languages>

Unfortunately some of the pathnames under that install folder are so extremely 
verbose and redundant, that for a very reasonable build tree root 
c:\ooo\svn\trunk\build\ooh680-m5, the pathname to the .xcu files come out as 
for instance... (drum roll):


(Three instances of "openoffice", plus one "office", plus "com.sun.star". So 
there definitely should be no risk of confusion what product that directory 
hierarchy refers too! Three instances of "registry". Redundancy is Good.)

That  is 260 characters and thus over the Windows limit of 256 (or 255, or 254, 
this is a bit unclear).

Of course, it would be too easy if OOo simply just told you "too long 
pathname". Instead it throws you lovely dialogs that shows the long pathnames 
and asks a question "Do you want to continue startup without the corrupted 
configuration data? [yes] [no]"

Consider that question. If one clicks yes, does that mean one doesn't want to 
continue startup at all, or just that one wants to continue startup but without 
the corrupted configuration data? If one clicks no, does that mean one doesn't 
want to continue startup at all, or that one wants to continue even with 
corrupted configuration data? Fun.

Anyway, luckily it turns out that one can just move the subtree starting from 
the "en-US" folder somewhere closer to the root, and the problem goes away.


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