Uwe Altmann wrote (17-4-2008 21:03)
Martin Hollmichel schrieb:

I created http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OOoRelease30_Readme with the content of the old readme, feel free to work on this now,

I updated that page in regard to the readme txt/html which is provided with installer packages - this is the more complex case.
* Provided version of text was outdated.
* Platform specific text was not mentioned.

Please go over the windows specific text - this should be now like the recently delivered one.

Input on this is *urgently* needed!

I see myself in charge for the Mac version - Windows, Linux and Solaris input is what we need now.

Did some on the windows & general sections.


(BTW, looks as if the main only made it to list [EMAIL PROTECTED])


"The Year of 3" -2008- "Het jaar van 3"

Cor Nouws
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